TIME (London Time/BST):
More Classes From:
Dr. Amina Shaaban, MD
Live on ZoomDuration:
6 consecutive fridays from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm London Time/BST. Each class will be 2 hours long. First class is on Monday 18 August 2025, Last class is on Monday 22 September 2025.Instructor:
Dr. Amina Shaaban, MDCost:
British Pounds £ 555.00Pricing Details:
Payment is in British Pounds, £555.00. You get discount of £80.00 if you are repeating this class, you pay £475.00 email your questions to info@balancingemotions.com or whatsapp message +447880627120 payment link www.paypal.com/paypalme/balancingemotionsOverview:
This is an in-depth course in how to teach The Wonder Method™ level 1.
There are a total of 12 hours of instruction, taught once a week for 6 consecutive weeks. Class size is limited to 4 students. Each student will be expected to work outside of the class with the other students to practice what is taught each week in order to get the most out of this course.
We will go step by step through each of the sections in level 1, following the steps from the basics of the breath to how to sense each part and how to teach it to others. Emphasis will be placed on allowing everything in while experiencing evolving open state as we work so that each person we work while experiencing openness. Demonstrations in class will allow students to experience the experience of evolving openness. As the weeks pass we will evolve specific ways to understand how to sense what is going on in others and how to help students gain access to their issues in a supportive and growing way.
Each student will explain to another in the class how to do each part of each lesson so that they will feel well versed in the entire curriculum by the end of the course. You will receive a handout especially created for this course to refer to.
Prerequisites: You must have taken levels 1 and 2 of The Wonder Method™.
Please feel free to email with questions info@balancingemotions.com
- Class size is limited to 4
- Taught live on zoom
- Each person will receive individual feedback to insure a good understanding.
- You will work on each other and get feedback on how well that process is working from your partner as well as from Amina.
- Course handout emailed to you after purchasing the course.
- There is email support between classes. Send your questions in and Amina will reply. Amina will also share any questions anonymously that she feels will be useful to everyone at the beginning of the next class.
- You will get audio recording of every class.