Ana Coeur
Ana Coeur
Wonder Method Workshop: “Birth your New Beginning” Level I #57 [Sundays PDT]
Yin Energy Healing & The Art of Awakening Through Wonder Immersion
The Wonder Method Level 2: Deepening the Journey (Pacific Time)
The Wonder Method via Zoom level 1 Class#6 Polish/English
The Wonder Method™ Retreat at Home [various times: 1st & 3rd Saturday + 1st & 3rd Monday + 2nd & 4th Friday of every month]
Wonder Method Workshop: “Heal your Grief with the Fall Equinox” Level I #58 [Tuesdays PDT]
The Wonder Method Level 2 Advanced; The Wonder Method™ in Daily Life ~ miniclass ~ (Prerequisite: The Wonder Method™ Level II)
The Wonder Method™ Level 2+: Being Wonder in Daily Life (prerequisite level 2)
The Wonder Method via Zoom level 1 Class#5 Polish/English with EXTRA practice included
The Wonder Method via Zoom level 1 Class#4 Polish/English
The Wonder Method via Zoom level 1 Class#3 Polish/English
The Wonder Method via Zoom level 1 Class#2 Polish/English
The Wonder Method via Zoom level 1 Class#1 Polish/English
The Wonder Method, Instructor Level 2, Class #1
Ana Coeur
My healing practice is a beautiful, regenerative healing sanctuary for powerful, spiritual women who long to blossom into Queens and Goddesses. Clients come to me to expand into more power, love, abundance, family, peace and health—quickly and easily.
As a creative and intuitive energy healing artist, I have an affinity toward approaches that are powerful, efficient, easy, fun, and complete. This preference drew me to The Wonder Method™.
What fascinates me is how energy healing can quickly and miraculously transform the lives of my clients’. Issues, fears and blocks that they were struggling with just a moment ago will have completely vanished or significantly reduced by the end of our session together.
While people may think of healing as uncomfortable, working with me is an experience of gentleness, lightheartedness, curiosity, play, ease, unconditional acceptance, and ecstasy. Our work together is designed to inspire (not force) you to make new habits and choices and to blissfully open up new territories of love, joy, peace abundance, creation and growth where they were blocked before.
The joy I have for healing has also led me to activate my MerKaBa, which I use to travel to sacred sites and ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria. From these places, I download ancient healing technology, light codes, DNA activations and frequencies into my energy, amplifying and deepening the quality of the healing experience for myself and for my clients.
Besides helping clients through use of the The Wonder Method™, I also perform DNA purifications and activations and lightbody activations on clients.
I’m guided by my sense of imagination, adventure, curiosity and my inclination to challenge the status quo. This helps me have fun with exploring pressing the “delete” button on fears, issues and blocks for myself and others—and seeing how far I can go.
Because of my playful approach to healing, my clients begin to feel their issues are not so much problems to fix—but they become more in awe of how their bodies can further heal and how their lives can further change. Healing then becomes creative, fun and exciting, and more about their unlimited potential.
It’s not uncommon for my clients and me to giggle through issues that were “supposed to” be painful and sad. After the sessions, my clients also commonly report major explosions of passionate creativity and sudden, pivotal a–ha moments, leading them to make life–changing decisions with poise, clarity and ease. Saying “affirmations” and “thinking positive” give way to simply feeling good without trying to.
I have strived almost all my life and the philosophy behind The Wonder Method™ has changed my consciousness. Now I am helping my clients to make the same shift from doing into being.
Besides working with women one–on–one, I also heal women and children through cute and heartfelt entertainment content that I write and create myself (art, cartoons, books, and films). My extensive entrepreneurial and creative background provides me with the wisdom and experience to help women who are seeking to make their dreams into physical reality—through healing.
Whether you are aiming to become a new woman with a new level of consciousness or simply want to improve your health, create more abundance, lose weight, activate your creativity, connect to love and self–love, heal your inner child, or dissolve blocks and delete fears, and more, I would love to help you. Please visit me at anacoeurbeauty.com for more information.