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Tag: dreams

Each moment

Each moment is like a flower in bud. It is has the potential to burst forth and blossom or to slowly fade almost before being born. This is akin to our hopes and dreams. When we feel our feelings we have the opportunity to bring what is submerged within us to the surface like a bud and, when allowed to be fully accessed, to blossom forth and be both beautiful and transformative. Give yourself this opportunity to enter your sensations and be reborn. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

dreams, flower, hopes, Moment

Most people will tell you about their dreams

Most people will tell you about their dreams and in the same breath tell you about their limitations.  We choose to tell you about your dreams and how to become them.  In reality they are already yours, they are simply behind the fears that you have placed in your way.  The Tao te Ching says “if you would become whole, be partial.” In effect, the process of feeling the limitations (that which makes us feel partial) allows everything to unfold and you will be there.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

dreams, limitations, partial, tao te Ching, whole

Accomplish your Dreams and be free

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France

What we believe either sets us free or ties us down.  That is the nature of beliefs for as we find the boundaries of what feels possible and impossible we can allow ourselves greater and fuller freedom.  All it takes is the willingness to feel into these boundaries and we find we are again free to dream and be.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

Accomplish, beliefs, dreams, feel, free