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Tag: fears

As the year winds

As the year winds to its end,  many of us look to the future for things to get better or old painful memories to be forgotten.  Yet there is always something within us that still carries the old fears .  That is why it is valuable to feel our sensations and allow them to unfold.  Be willing to feel; it is safe and it leads us back to balance and wholeness.  Happy New Year everyone.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

fears, sensations, winds, Year

All our doubts

All our doubts and fears are like little (and sometimes large) aspects of ourselves that have been walled away .  They are much like little dams attempting to stem the tide of our fears.  As we feel our fears and allow them to unwind, the dams begin to lower and like tributaries rejoining a larger river we rediscover our self. Now we are are again whole and free.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

doubts, fears, free, river, tributary

As we unwind our fears

As we unwind our fears and limitations through feeling our feelings, the mind naturally lightens the intensity of its focus and we begin to experience quiet and a sense of internal motion. This motion happens within us, around us and through us. It is a naturally occurring part of our make-up. We are flow and it is always there to nurture us. Enjoy ~Alain & Jody Herriott

fears, feeling, mind, motion, quiet, unwind