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Tag: harmony

Most of us fear change

Most of us fear change, yet without change we never evolve. Our inner feelings, or more specifically, the sensations within us are often feared too. This fear is what keeps us from being willing to change. When we allow our sensations to be felt and to evolve, we find greater and greater balance. The more we apply this approach to our lives the more we become happy and whole. ~Alain & Jody Herriott.



balance, change, evolve, fear, harmony

Each moment is unique

Each moment is unique and linked through sensation. Many think of these sensations as fraught with discord and concern. What if instead, they are the arrows pointing us toward the walls of resistance in our minds and because they are felt, they are also the entry point to change. Through feeling and allowing the sensations to change we unwind and arrive at harmony and balance.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, harmony, Moment, sensation, unique

The Quiet Mind

When our mind is quiet, we are in harmony in our world; nothing is pushing us.  When our mind is quiet there is no conflict to push us out of balance, things arise and we deal with them, things end and we are equally at peace.  Feeling the sensations that are inside us, allowing ourselves to gently feel them allows them to change, unwind and find a new balance.  This unwinding again leads to the quiet mind.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, harmony, Presence, quiet mind

Quiet and harmony

Quiet–when the mind is quiet harmony rules our world.  We are at peace and ease is our word for the day.  Take the time to sensate the feelings within you; allow them to bubble up and link body and mind.  Enjoy. ~Alain & Jody Herriott 

ease, harmony, peace, quiet

Living in resistance

Most of us are living a life of resistance. We resist certain thoughts, people and memories. In The Wonder Method, these resistances become opportunities. Once we are aware we are resisting something we have the option to feel that sensation as oppposed to pushing it away. The act of feeling the sensations also makes it possible for those sensations to change and evolve, reducing our reaction to the original trigger. As TWM is applied the resistance gradually drops away (often a matter of minutes) and balance is the result. This approach is always available, it is simply a choice to feel or resist.  Enjoy ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, feeling, Happiness, harmony, Life, resistance

The Wonder Method

We are often asked just what is The Wonder Method?  Probably first and foremost it is a subtle, simple, yet counter intuitive way to become incredibly present.  Other names for this might be “awake”, “grounded”, or “balanced” within ourselves.  Beyond this it is a model that can be used to offer healing to others and to unwind limiting beliefs and experiences until calm and balance are experienced within us.  If we take it further it is also a way to step beyond the common view of reality or Maya and begin to live in satisfaction and joy.  This all starts with feeling at the sensation level and everything evolves from there.  We encourage you to feel; it is wonderfully satisfying. ~ Alain & Jody Herriott 

awakening, balance, definition, freedom, grounded, harmony, Maya, the Wonder Method

Balance, where does it come from?

Balance, where does it come from?  Harmony– when it occurs within us we realize who we are.  We are simply a being, with nothing pushing us, nothing that “HAS” to be done.  Simply being, where every decision is an unfolding and every option brings us an opportunity to be even more.  We encourage you to feel.  It is truly the road to being wholly present.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, feeling, harmony, unfolding

In the pursuit of knowledge everyday

“In the pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added.

In the pursuit of the Tao, every day something is dropped.

Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non action.

When nothing is done, nothing is left undone……” — Tao te Ching translation by Stephen Mitchell 

The mind is like a river, once in motion it hard to stop.  As we add feeling to our life we begin to understand that the mind becomes quiet when we don’t feed it.  We feel what limits us and the mind’s chatter begins to drop away. If we let ourselves do this every day we will finally arrive at a quiet, peaceful mind.  When the mind is quiet nothing gets in our way and nothing is left behind either.  As the internal conflict drops away we experience inner peace and a harmonious life.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

feeling, force, harmony, knowledge, peace, Tao