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Tag: meaning

Define self through others

Most people define themselves by what others think of them.  What if instead they felt the sensations within themselves, used any technique that fostered self awareness and chose to feel who they are vs what they believe other people want from them.  In our experience better balance is had for both the individual and those they are around.  Presence is usually experienced as a relative sense of balance and harmony when one is around someone who practices presence.  We encourage you to be you.  Balance naturally springs from this way of living.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott 

balance, define self, meaning, others

Awakening. What does it mean

Awakening.  What does it mean? For us, within the experience of The Wonder Method exercises, it allows us to have a quiet mind, peacefulness and a sense of balance and wholeness.  Hand in hand with this is allowing ourselves to feel the sensations within knowing they lead us to an ever deeper experience of balance and happiness.  We encourage you to feel what is inside you and let it carry you to ever greater fulfillment. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

awakening, balance, Happiness, meaning, quiet mind

So what does it mean to feel?

So what does it mean to feel?  Ideally, feeling is an entry point to sensation that leads to an unwinding of anything within us that challenges us or feels disharmonious.  A normal day finds most of us partially or fully caught in our minds, struggling to deal with the “drama” of those feelings that never seem to resolve.  We often feel caught in a never ending spiral of upset.  When we actually let ourselves just feel, the drama unwinds.  It lessens a layer at a time until it is no longer there, much as a cloud disappears into a cloudless sky. It is no longer a part of our world and we find ourself at peace.  With a little practice this peace becomes part of our everyday existence and balance rules our days.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

drama, feel, meaning, mind, peace