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Tag: peace

Constant change

We are in a state of constant change. Our inherent nature is to both run towards and yet resist change. While change is always with us, we can be in a space of balance, wholeness and peace. This peace is not stagnant, it is a dynamic integration where Being is experienced. All it takes is the willingness to feel the subtle nuances within us, allow them to unfold and the rest is simply there. Being only needs the willingness to feel.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, being, change, peace, stagnant

Quiet and harmony

Quiet–when the mind is quiet harmony rules our world.  We are at peace and ease is our word for the day.  Take the time to sensate the feelings within you; allow them to bubble up and link body and mind.  Enjoy. ~Alain & Jody Herriott 

ease, harmony, peace, quiet

So what does it mean to feel?

So what does it mean to feel?  Ideally, feeling is an entry point to sensation that leads to an unwinding of anything within us that challenges us or feels disharmonious.  A normal day finds most of us partially or fully caught in our minds, struggling to deal with the “drama” of those feelings that never seem to resolve.  We often feel caught in a never ending spiral of upset.  When we actually let ourselves just feel, the drama unwinds.  It lessens a layer at a time until it is no longer there, much as a cloud disappears into a cloudless sky. It is no longer a part of our world and we find ourself at peace.  With a little practice this peace becomes part of our everyday existence and balance rules our days.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

drama, feel, meaning, mind, peace

In the pursuit of knowledge everyday

“In the pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added.

In the pursuit of the Tao, every day something is dropped.

Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non action.

When nothing is done, nothing is left undone……” — Tao te Ching translation by Stephen Mitchell 

The mind is like a river, once in motion it hard to stop.  As we add feeling to our life we begin to understand that the mind becomes quiet when we don’t feed it.  We feel what limits us and the mind’s chatter begins to drop away. If we let ourselves do this every day we will finally arrive at a quiet, peaceful mind.  When the mind is quiet nothing gets in our way and nothing is left behind either.  As the internal conflict drops away we experience inner peace and a harmonious life.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

feeling, force, harmony, knowledge, peace, Tao