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Tag: quiet

Quiet and harmony

Quiet–when the mind is quiet harmony rules our world.  We are at peace and ease is our word for the day.  Take the time to sensate the feelings within you; allow them to bubble up and link body and mind.  Enjoy. ~Alain & Jody Herriott 

ease, harmony, peace, quiet

When the mind

When the mind is quiet enough to allow a sense of emptiness to exist, motion fills the vacuum. We are, by default, filled with this subtle movement, a gentle hum of vibration. It is always present within us and its presence can be used in any way we want. Enjoy the journey. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

filled, mind, quiet, vibration

Continue down the rabbit hole

As we continue down the rabbit hole of self-discovery it is so amazing to find that within us all is an extreme quiet, and within that is a sense of balance the defies explanation. The Tao te Ching says you can’t know it but you can be it. Suffice to say we agree. Feeling at the sensation level will take you there if you only choose to begin the journey. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

explanation, Journey, quiet, Rabbit hole

As we unwind our fears

As we unwind our fears and limitations through feeling our feelings, the mind naturally lightens the intensity of its focus and we begin to experience quiet and a sense of internal motion. This motion happens within us, around us and through us. It is a naturally occurring part of our make-up. We are flow and it is always there to nurture us. Enjoy ~Alain & Jody Herriott

fears, feeling, mind, motion, quiet, unwind