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Tag: sensations

The gentlest thing

Number 43 of the Tao te Ching says:  The gentlest thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the world.  That which has no substance enters where there is no space. This shows the value of non-action. When we as individuals choose a softer path, often referred to as a Yin or more feminine approach to situations, conflict and life in general.  We listen, and we act from a place of balance.  Feeling, the gentle sensations within us naturally produces this kind of experience.  Choose to feel it is safe and leads to harmony in one’s life.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, gentle, gentlist, hardest, overcome, Presence, sensations, Yin

As the year winds

As the year winds to its end,  many of us look to the future for things to get better or old painful memories to be forgotten.  Yet there is always something within us that still carries the old fears .  That is why it is valuable to feel our sensations and allow them to unfold.  Be willing to feel; it is safe and it leads us back to balance and wholeness.  Happy New Year everyone.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

fears, sensations, winds, Year

We are taught from an early age to achieve

We are taught from an early age to achieve, to push, to beat others.  This is probably the #1 thing in our way in order to know ourselves.  All the striving takes us out of the moment and places us firmly in the mind, separated from our essential self. People believe that striving is necessary in order to achieve our goals.  This simply isn’t true. Instead we find harmony is born, which makes everything possible.  It is easy enough to create balance in our lives; all we need to do is be willing to feel the sensations within us. T  his will change our focus from pushing to opening and the rest simply unfolds.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

achieve, feel, mind, sensations, taught

In the last thought for the week we spoke of each moment being precious

In the last thought for the week we spoke of each moment being precious. If every moment is precious how can we live without worrying that we are wasting our life?  The limiting beliefs and the sensations they provide are the perfect entry point through which change can be facilitated.  Feelings are always with us.  While they may be pushed away through mind chatter, they are still there whenever we are willing to give ourselves access to them.  These issues then become the arrow to point us in the direction we should open.  And by allowing ourselves to feel them we find US, meaning our unfettered whole self; untainted by expectations and living in the present.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

change, feel, precious, Presence, sensations, US