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Tag: unlimited

Each of us lives in a world of our own design

Each of us lives in a world. This can be a world of our own design or a world where we are a subject of others. In all cases we are working within the boundaries that we feel are the limitations and also the possibilities within that world. Unwinding our limitations sets the stage for an amazing world to be part of. Some limitations will challenge our choice to be amazing, this allows us to grow even more and again become freer to dream what others may call impossible. This is where true possibility exists, our own dream in our own world, exploring and sharing the new and amazing with anyone or anything that we touch. Dare to dream and let your world unfold; this is where we fully embrace the unlimited being that we are. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

amazing, design, live, possibilities, unlimited, world

We live in two worlds, the wold of mind and of feeling

We live in two worlds, the world of mind and the world of feeling. When we let the world of feeling blend with the world of mind we experience the world as a totality. A wholeness is here. It is not a desperate flick of fulfillment but a deeply supportive and nurturing experience. Through feeling we experience wholeness, without it we are only a shell of a being. When we have the integration of body and mind then the two worlds blend and we awaken to a quiet mind and experience an unlimited self. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

feeling, fulfillment, mind, Two worlds, unlimited, Wholeness

The closer you come to knowing

“The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.” ― Eric Micha’el Leventhal

Yes, we must unravel the facade we call the everyday person and release who we really are; an unlimited being caught within the day to day drama of life.  As we come to understand this and dissolve the illusion, we again take control of our world and live a life both fulfilling and marvelous. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

Create, illusion, knowing, unlimited