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Classes & Retreats

The Wonder Method Level 2 (PM Tuesdays PST)

July 30, 2024

Six consecutive Tuesdays. Each class will be 2 hours long. Class dates are: Tuesdays 6PM-8PM PST/ 9PM-11PM EST July 30th, August 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, and September 3rd.

Custom days/times available for 1:1 as requested.

Live via Zoom

Joe Rojas


The price is in US dollars

The Wonder Method Level 2, Deepening the Journey

Come join us and deepen your understanding and application of The Wonder Method™.

  • Magnify the skills learned in the first class
  • Extend and broaden your understanding of flows and currents within yourself and others
  • Understand the subtleties with processing and learn to let them unfold you
  • Experience deeper, fuller awakening into the now, riding the flows from the formed into the unformed
  • Develop and practice your abilities in order to become a Wonder Method™ coach

  • Class size is limited to 6
  • Each student will receive a link to connect via Zoom
  • Class will be taught over the phone or Zoom
  • No travel required, learn it all in the comfort of your home or wherever you happen to be.
  • Each person will receive individual feedback to insure a good understanding of the material.
  • You will get to do long distance work on others in breakout sessions and get feedback on how well that process is working from your partner as well as from Joe.
  • There will be a handout for the class that you will receive via email, for you to refer to during the class.
  • There is email support between classes.  Send your questions in and Alain will reply. Alain will also share any questions that he feels will be useful to everyone at the beginning of the next class time.
  • Each class will be recorded and you will have the opportunity to listen to it and play it back at your leisure.

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The Wonder Method Level 1 (PM Mondays PST)

July 29, 2024

Six consecutive Mondays. Each class will be 2 hours long. Class dates are: Mondays 6PM-8PM PST/9PM-11PM EST July 29th, August 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and September 2nd.

Custom days/times available for 1:1 as requested.

Live via Zoom

Joe Rojas


The price is in US dollars

This 12 hour course will meet on 6 consecutive Tuesdays (2 Hrs each class). You will receive an outline and handout for the class, via email, for you to refer to during the class. The class is experiential. I will talk, explain techniques, as well as have you demonstrate and practice each technique. You will receive individual feedback with ample attention for you to understand the material offered. Each class will be recorded and you will receive a link to download it and replay it as you like.

About the class:

Each person will receive individual feedback to insure a good understanding of the material. You will get to do long distance work on others and get feedback on how well that process is working from your partner as well as from me.

Class content includes: 
  • Techniques to help you unwind emotional issues that bother you.
  • Ways to quiet the mind and feel balance. 
  • How to do healing work. 
  • How to affect your reality. 
  • How to have a mind that is extremely flexible. 
  • How to have more ease in your business, relationships, interactions. 
  • How to simply “be” and enjoy the moments of life.

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The Wonder Method™ Instructor Level 1 (Monday EST)

November 11, 2024

6 consecutive Mondays from 2pm - 4pm EST (New York time).
Each class will be 2 hours long.

Class dates are: Monday November 11, 18, 27 December 2, 9, 16.

Email or text me to register & for payment options – or (305)915-3535
(Prerequisite; Wonder Method Level 1 & 2)

Live on Zoom

Ellen Abramson

$$700 US dollars

Payment is in US dollars. $100 discount if repeating the class.
$50 discount if 2 or more enroll as a group.
Email, text for payment options.

This is an in-depth course in how to teach The Wonder Method™ level 1. There are a total of 12 hours of instruction, taught once a week for 6 consecutive weeks.  Class size is limited to 6 students.  Each student will be expected to work outside of the class with the other students to practice what is taught each week in order to get the most out of this course.

This class  assists in developing the qualities of presence and openness that are integrated into a way of being; a gentle Yin way useful for coaching, healing, teaching and living a life. These qualities are useful in teaching, communicating, and being in rapport all aspects of life. 

We will go step by step through each of the sections in level 1, following the steps from the basics of the breath to how to sense each part and how to teach it to others.  Emphasis will be placed on letting everything in and at the same time continuing/experiencing an open state as we work so that each person we work with feels opened to as opposed to feeling pressed by the session.  Demonstrations of pushing versus opening will make this more obvious.  As the weeks pass we will evolve specific ways to understand how to sense what is going on in others and how to help them gain access to their issues in a supportive and growing way.

Each student will explain to another in the class how to do each part of each lesson so that they will feel well versed in the entire curriculum by the end of the course. You will receive a handout especially created for this course to refer to.

Prerequisites: You must have taken levels 1 and 2 of The Wonder Method™.  

Please feel free to email with questions


About the class:

  • Class size is limited to 6
  • Class will be taught over the Zoom
  • No travel required, learn it all in the comfort of your home or wherever you happen to be.
  • Each person will receive individual feedback to insure a good understanding of the material.
  • You will get to do long distance work on others in breakout sessions and get feedback on how well that process is working from your partner as well as from Ellen.
  • There will be a handout for the class that you will receive via email, for you to refer to during the class.
  • There is email support between classes.  Send your questions in and Ellen will reply. Ellen will also share any questions that she feels will be useful to everyone at the beginning of the next class time.
  • Each class will be recorded and you will have the opportunity to listen to it and play it back at your leisure.

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The Wonder Method Level 2 – Going Deeper

June 30, 2023

3 Hours per day for 4 days in a row 8 AM to 11 AM Pacific Time


Tyler Odysseus



We go much deeper in this level.  Now that you have the basics of The Breath with Wonder and emotional processing we can explore advanced techniques and ways to do faster healing work while also getting ever more present as we approach states of Pure Presence and enlightenment.

I wrote the Wonder Method book with Alain. I have been teaching The Wonder Method as well as my own variation on The Wonder Method for 10 years. This class will lead you further towards emotional healing, awakening, enlightenment, all through teaching you how to do Energy Work and authentically process your emotions. I look forward to teaching you and having you in class.

Note: In my experience teaching this for 10 years, there is a significant advantage to doing the class on consecutive days in terms of how deeply you can enter a state of presence.

-Tyler Odysseus

We go much deeper in this level.  Now that you have the basics of The Breath with Wonder and emotional processing we can explore advanced techniques and ways to do faster healing work while also getting ever more present as we approach states of Pure Presence and enlightenment.

I wrote the Wonder Method book with Alain. I have been teaching The Wonder Method as well as my own variation on The Wonder Method for 10 years. This class will lead you further towards emotional healing, awakening, enlightenment, all through teaching you how to do Energy Work and authentically process your emotions. I look forward to teaching you and having you in class.

Note: In my experience teaching this for 10 years, there is a significant advantage to doing the class on consecutive days in terms of how deeply you can enter a state of presence.

-Tyler Odysseus

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The Wonder Method Level 1 – The Art of Awakening

May 15, 2023

3 Hours Each Day for 4 days in a row Monday-Thursday, May 15-18 2023


Tyler Odysseus


10 Years ago I began writing The Wonder Method with Alain Herriott and we published it September 30th 2016.  I have been teaching The Wonder Method for over 10 years at this point, as well as my own variation on The Wonder Method called Yin Energy Healing & The Art of Awakening. This class will lead you to emotional healing, awakening, enlightenment, all through teaching you how to do Energy Work and authentically process your emotions. See below for more details: I look forward to teaching you and having you in class.

Note: In my experience teaching this for 10 years, there is a significant advantage to doing the class on consecutive days in terms of how deeply you can enter a state of presence.

-Tyler Odysseus

You are already be an amazing energy worker and are already helping everyone around you.  Have you ever wanted to feel a deep sense of presence while you work?  Have you wanted a faster way to heal, and a more effective way to do emotional healing?  This class is the perfect opportunity to relearn to feel the pure underlying joy of just being alive, that is within all of us.  The only reason this isn’t felt all day long is because we need to release the old emotions that are holding in waiting to be released.  Once they come into harmony the automatic joy of simply being alive begins to emerge like sunbeams through the clouds.  This process is so joyful, and transforms you into a powerful energy worker simply through the power of your presence.  On the way there, we develop the ability to shift your energetic state to allow you to do effective energy work no matter where you are.  These energy work techniques combined with authentic feeling will transform you on the deepest level and begin your journey to true awakening.

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The Wonder Method Level 1 (Pacific Time) #11

January 8, 2025

We meet for six consecutive Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (PST). Class dates are: Jan 8, 15, 22, 29 and Feb 5, 12.

Zoom - link to be announced (I'm based in California, USA, but feel free to join from anywhere in the world.)

Chaya Silberstein

$$500 USD

To register, email or text/call: 917-597-3945. If you're repeating this class, email me for information about a discount.

Every moment is an opportunity to experience the expansiveness that life provides. We use whatever resistance appears to be in the way to gain greater freedom and peace. So, without further ado, I now invite you to come along on this journey to experience the wonder that awaits you.

In This 6 Week Workshop, We Will…
  • Explore wonder and see what “becoming as a child” can do.
  • Experience your stressful emotions and dispel them.
  • Experience stillness within yourself without boundaries.
  • Find a whole new way to live and be.
  • Redefine how you approach any situation in your life: health, relationships, weight loss, earning money and much more.
  • Use The Wonder Method for self-healing and healing others.
  • Practice suspending judgment and beliefs in order to grow beyond your wildest dreams.
  • Change the mundane to the wondrous.
The Wonder Method shifts you on the foundational level: physical, emotional and spiritual. It’s like pushing a reset button for your life. You can then use these tools to affect the most basic aspects of your health and relationship with your entire inner and outer world. This is truly astounding work and is the culmination of many years of research and experimentation.
This method teaches you how to begin the journey of awareness and freedom, allowing you to rediscover your unlimited self. You will unlock yourself from the status quo using a combination of breathing, gentle movement and feeling; allowing each day to be an expression of joy and freedom. Here, the only limits on your life are those that you impose on yourself. The Wonder Method is your avenue to a joy beyond compare.
After each class you will receive an audio recording. Email support is available between classes.
Prerequisites: None required
To Register for this class, email Chaya at: or text/call: 917-597-3945.
I hope you can join! It’ll be fun, exploratory, and take you further down the road of joy, peace and presence.
What People Are Saying:
“Chaya is a gifted and kind teacher of The Wonder Method. The amount of healing through processing that I have received going through the classes is amazing. Chaya keeps the learning fun and exploratory. She is able to quickly shift the flow of the class to meet her students needs and to be exactly where we are in that moment. Her other interests and passions combine beautifully with The Wonder Method to create an expansive learning experience.”  – Erin Keller
“Last night, after class, I decided to practice ‘Breathe with Wonder’ with a friend. I realized I had resistance to practicing it more. The resistance was perfectionism! I felt like I still needed more guidance and practice! But, I trusted myself and the results were outstanding! I did a session with my friend for 40 mins straight and it was soooo powerful!!! She released sooo much that she was crying the whole time! She had back and abdominal pain that dissolved in 2-3 mins literally and was connected to her heart center! This was my first time working with physical pain and it was a piece of cake! I’m so grateful for this work and have so much gratitude! I can’t wait to offer this service to the world!” – Joshua Tree
“The content was great. I was able to learn the techniques easily. Chaya was a great facilitator. I enjoyed her feedback and her ability to provide it as I was engaged in practice sessions. And I enjoyed the pace of a smaller class.” – J Anderson

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Wonder Method Workshop: “Heal your Grief with the Fall Equinox” Level I #58 [Tuesdays PDT]

September 17, 2024

This 12 hour workshop is taught live by Aimee (from California/Pacific Time). We meet online for 2 hours over 6 Tuesdays: 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/13, 10/8 & 10/15. Class size is limited to 4 students. I offer email support in-between classes and each class is recorded so you may download the recording and play back at your leisure.

Zoom - link to be announced ✨

Aimee Hanson


Price is in US dollars. I accept payment using cashapp, venmo, credit card & zelle. My previous students are welcome to repeat this workshop for $400. Please text or email me in order to activate the past-student-discount.

The Fall Equinox is a wonderful time to gently release what no longer serves. Receive compassionate support and nourish yourself during this 6 week workshop. Letting go is part of the circle of life. Autumn is when crops complete their cycle. Allow what-once-was to gracefully transition just a little bit more than before. You are welcome to join us to experience this healing journey for yourself by learning level 1 of the wonder method.

Learn simple ways to harmonize your energy system and spend more time in loving acceptance.

Learn to heal your energy with a special focus on the lungs, as grief is associated with the lungs. When someone is grieving, they may hold their breath, which can decrease oxygen. Shortness of breath can lead to exhaustion. Experience the sensation of your breath as a way to open with wonder.

Ignoring the energetic imbalances in your body can unknowingly create disharmony within. Your balanced energy system provides space within to be in harmony with who you really, a light being of love. It’s okay to feel devastated by loss and grief. You are welcome join us as we practice together and feel lightness, too.

Your breath is your vital life force. When sadness, grief and anxiety hit .. it’s a real struggle. With the wonder method, you don’t have to think positive thoughts. You just need to practice the steps … and let the method work it’s wonder.

In this workshop we will explore healing those “out-of-balance” issues using the wonder method.

The workshop consists of me lecturing and demonstrating the wonder method while providing plenty of student practice time, with my feedback, so that you understand each step. 

Past students have said:

🎶 “I felt like I was receiving energetic instruction from you. More than the words .. very interesting. It’s very different from what I thought. I read the book and in this class with you I have experienced the difference between what my thinking mind does and what my energy does. I felt that there is a huge difference between the two things.” Julia M

🎶 “Thank you so much for guiding us through your course. We both had a really enjoyable experience and couldn’t be happier with how it all worked out. You have a very relaxed approach to TWM, teaching and life in general it seems – which is very inspiring and heartwarming.” Raymond Rodhyll 

🎶 “I loved practicing TWM with Aimee and having her gently encourage me to go slowly, stay below the neck, be gentle, no need to hurry. She said all the right and helpful things that I needed to hear in order to FEEL the Wonder process. She was generous with her time and I never felt rushed. I had read the book so I understood the method but without the help of a mentor it seemed beyond my grasp. I loved the 6-week time table, although we went beyond as I couldn’t make one class. I highly recommend Aimee as a teacher. She embodied the work!” – Lauren T

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change…

… here’s why mastering your emotions is important: When you feel and process your feelings, you are more available to respond to the always present creative flow of life (rather than being stuck in an emotional-loop of fear, worry and lack of clarity).

Imagine … The waves of grief washing through you rather than barreling over you. Others intuitively hearing your need for more space. Connecting more with your creativity. Experiencing a little more peace inside your tender, beautiful heart. Opening to healing. Being present with what is and feeling more ease than before.

Being present aligns you with synchronous opportunities.

Aimee interviewing Alain on you tube

✨ Sense Yourself  I will teach you the techniques to perceive your energy.

✨ Be Present There are a few key steps here that are simple to learn. It takes practice to partner with your nervous system.

✨ Ease In Learn how to play the game of life with your rules. Stop numbing and hiding. Start solving problems in unique ways. Ease up.

✨ Revitalize You. Are. Pure. Life. Force. Energy.

Our 6 Weeks Together:

  • Week 1: Breathing + Wonder. We partner with our breath and experience the opening it offers.
  • Week 2: Letting In + Processing. A popular module, students enjoy practicing letting an issue in while experiencing an open state.
  • Week 3: Sensing + Easing. Emotions are subtle. In this method we allow them and experience them lightly. This is the class you learn to heal others.
  • Week 4: Gremlins + Boundaries. When the surf is really good, we say it’s going off. Similar to our emotions, if we’re going off then we can count on some internal waves. I will teach you to experience your energy so that the big waves won’t take you down like the mavericks. Transform the big kahuna into a mellow lull. Satisfy your senses.
  • Week 5: Perception + Movement. Returning to the source is serenity. Our nervous system lets us know when we’ve had a shift, which feels like tingling, a sense of warmth .. as if you are going from intensity to comparative ease .. a sense of melting within, or, of the mind going from active to quiet.
  • Week 6: Evolve + Practice. Evolve your understanding of how to sense what is going on inside yourself. It’s all about unwinding. You don’t need to go back to past habits. You have new tools, aligned with your intuition.

Calculate your time zone: World Time Buddy

Payment accepted by CashAppVenmo or Credit Card (If you prefer Zelle, register below for the payment request)

There are 2 ways to register for this workshop:

  1. Pay using your preferred payment link above. I will email you within 24 hours, once I see your payment.
  2. Click Register Now which takes you to my email inbox. I will then send you a payment link to register.

Once paid, you will receive an email receipt along with student handbook and zoom link.

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The Wonder Method™ Level II Intensive #95 (Saturdays PST)

March 1, 2025

This workshop is taught live by Aimee (from California/Pacific Time). We meet online for 4 hours over 3 Sundays: 3/1, 3/8, 3/15. I offer email support in-between classes and each class is recorded so you may download the recording and play back at your leisure.

Zoom - link to be announced

Aimee Hanson


Price is in US dollars. I accept payment using cashapp, venmo, credit card & zelle. My previous students are welcome to repeat this workshop for $400. Please email me in order to activate the past-student-discount.

Raise your vibrational frequency.

Increase your intuitive skills.

Enhance your inner life through releasing what no longer serves. Together we’ll light up an obscure part of your nature. As you release, the edges of your world are bathed in a gentler light. As you softly open to your feeling nature, you find yourself drawn to those who embody the qualities of wonder and possibility. Life becomes smoother .. less dramatic.

Open to Heal. Express Yourself Energetically. Free Your Emotions. Create World Peace.

Learn the step by step process to awaken with wonder. With the wonder method, you don’t have to think positive thoughts. You just need to practice the steps … and let the method work it’s wonder.

In this workshop we will explore raising your vibrational frequency (you know your crazy sister-in-law? Get her two) using The Wonder Method™.

The workshop consists of me lecturing and demonstrating the wonder method while providing plenty of student practice time, with my feedback, so that you understand each step. 

Past students have said:

  “I felt like I was receiving energetic instruction from you. More than the words .. very interesting. It’s very different from what I thought. I read the book and in this class with you I have experienced the difference between what my thinking mind does and what my energy does. I felt that there is a huge difference between the two things.” JM

 “Aimee is a wonderful teacher! Her insights, imagery, and powerful command of The Wonder Method made it so easy to learn. She made sure I was comfortable with a technique before moving on to the next, and thoughtfully answered all of my questions. She is a beautiful shining soul and I am so grateful to call her my teacher.” DP

✨ “Embarking on the journey of learning energy healing with Aimee has been a truly enriching experience. Her expertise in the field, coupled with a nurturing and encouraging teaching style, has been instrumental in my growth.” AA

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change…

… here’s why mastering your energy is important: When you feel and process your feelings, you are more available to respond to the always present creative flow of life (rather than being stuck in an emotional-loop of fear, worry and lack of clarity).

Imagine … Getting noticed at work for that promotion. Others listening to your ideas in meetings. Making new, inspiring friends. No longer being annoyed by others. Creating unshakable trust within your circle of influence. Being more present than before. You are an energetic being. 

Being present aligns you with synchronous opportunities.

Aimee interviewing Alain on you tube

🌈Sense Yourself  learn techniques to perceive your energy.

🌈Be Present There are a few key steps here that are simple to learn. It takes practice to partner with your nervous system.

🌈Ease In Learn how to play the game of life with your rules. Stop numbing and hiding. Start solving problems in unique ways.

🌈Revitalize You. Are. Pure. Life. Force. Energy.

🌈Go beyond the beyond.

Our 3 Weeks Together:

  • Week 1: Breathing + Wonder. We partner with our breath and experience the opening it offers. Letting In + Processing. A popular module, students enjoy practicing letting an issue in while experiencing an open state.
  • Week 2: Sensing + Easing. Emotions are subtle. In this method we allow them and experience them lightly. This is the class you learn to heal others. Gremlins + Boundaries. When the surf is really good, we say it’s going off. Similar to our emotions, if we’re going off then we can count on some internal waves. I will teach you to experience your energy so that the big waves won’t take you down like the mavericks. Transform the big kahuna into a mellow lull. Satisfy your senses.
  • Week 3: Perception + Movement. Returning to the source is serenity. Our nervous system lets us know when we’ve had a shift, which feels like tingling, a sense of warmth .. as if you are going from intensity to comparative ease .. a sense of melting within, or, of the mind going from active to quiet. Evolve + Practice. Evolve your understanding of how to sense what is going on inside yourself. It’s all about unwinding. You don’t need to go back to past habits. You have new tools, aligned with your intuition.

Receive your downloadable class recording after each class – keep the recordings on your own device (no portal to log into). At the conclusion of our third week together receive a PDF certificate of completion.

Calculate your time zone: World Time Buddy

Payment accepted by CashAppVenmo, Credit Card , or Zelle: 415-483-5383

Three ways to register for this workshop:

  • Pay using your preferred payment link above. I will email your confirmation within 24 hours.
  • Click Register Now (button below) which takes you to my email inbox. Let me know what class you’re registering for and I will send you an invoice with payment links to confirm your spot.
  • You may use the Register Now button to email me any class questions before you register, we can even schedule a call (pacific time).

Once paid, you will receive an email receipt along with the student handbook and zoom link.

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The Wonder Method Level II (Wednesday EST)

November 13, 2024

Six consecutive Wednesdays. Each class will be 2 hours long. Class times are from 2pm - 4pm Eastern Standard Time (New York time); Wednesday November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 11, 18.
Email or text me to register & for payment options – or (305)915-3535

Live on Zoom

Ellen Abramson

$ $550 US dollars

Price is in US dollars.
$100 discount if repeating the class. $50 discount each if 2 or more enroll as a group.

The Wonder Method™ level 2

Come join us and deepen your understanding and application of The Wonder Method™.

  • Magnify the skills learned in the first class.
  • Extend and broaden your understanding of flows and currents within yourself and others.
  • Understand the subtleties with processing and learn to let them unfold you.
  • Experience deeper, fuller awakening into the now, riding the flows from the formed into the unformed.
  • Develop and practice your abilities in order to become a Wonder Method coach (Wonder Method Instructor Level 1)
  • Experience the qualities of greater presence, freedom and joy in all aspects of your life.

Prerequisite: The Wonder Method™ level 1 course or individual coaching sessions with Ellen.

Questions? Please email

About the class:

This 12 hour course will meet on 6 consecutive Wednesdays, 2 Hrs each class. You will receive a class outline and handout for the class, via email, for you to refer to during the class.

The class is experiential. I will talk, explain techniques, as well as have you demonstrate and practice each technique. You will receive individual feedback with ample attention for you to understand the material offered.

Each class will be recorded and you will receive a link to download it and replay it as you like.

Questions? There is email support between classes. Email me:


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The Wonder Method Level 2 Advanced; The Wonder Method™ in Daily Life ~ miniclass ~ (Prerequisite: The Wonder Method™ Level II)

January 1, 2024

Three consecutive Sundays from 10am to 12 pm Eastern US.
Each class will be 2 hours long.
Class dates are February 4, 11, 18.
Email or text me to register & for payment options – or (305)915-3535

Email or text me to register & for payment options – or (305)915-3535

Live on Zoom

Ellen Abramson

$$275 US dollars ($50 discount if repeating this class)

Payment is $275 US dollars. $50 discount if repeating the class.
Email, text for payment options.

The Wonder Method™ Practice in Daily Life; Level 2 Advanced

This mini-class offers a continuation of The Wonder Method™ (TWM) Level II techniques and practices. We will experiment, play and go deeper into the techniques, flows and real life applications in life as it arises.

By allowing the experience of TWM to happen in each moment, life becomes an experiment in possibilities; the “world” becomes a playground where we can open ourselves in new, unimaginable and fun ways.

Class content includes;

  • Refining Level II techniques.
  • Experiencing more subtle sensations and flows.
  • Experiencing the body and mind in harmony.
  • Integrating TWM into everyday life experiences including work, healing modalities, relationships, well being.

6 people maximum

Prerequisite: The Wonder Method™ Level II with a Certified Instructor

Please feel free to email with questions


About the class:

This 6 hour course will meet on 3 consecutive Sundays (2 Hrs each class). You will receive a class outline and a handout for the class, via email, for you to refer to during the class. It will be the The Wonder Method™ Level II handout.

The class is experiential. I will talk, explain techniques, as well as have you demonstrate and practice each technique. You will receive individual feedback with ample attention for you to understand the material offered.

Each class will be recorded and you will receive a link to download it and replay it as you like.

Questions? There is email support between classes. Email me:

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