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Gabriele Schlumpberger

Gabriele Schlumpberger

PHONE: 678-549-5724



Round RockTX, 78681
United States

EVENTS & CLASSES BY Gabriele Schlumpberger:

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Gabriele Schlumpberger

I am a Wonder Method Practitioner. I love using The Wonder Method as it is so simple  and people learn automatically to work on themselves. I’m also certified  as Life Coach and Angel Love Practitioner. I have always wanted to help others heal; however I taught Kindergarten for many years and hold a degree in Early Childhood Education from my native country, Germany. I also have various certificates in Energy Work such as Reiki, Intuitive Integrated White Time Healing, Quantum Touch, to name a few. 

After visiting multiple seminars, trainings and workshops in Germany and the US, I have developed my own method and working style by incorporating modalities in every session provided.

My goal is to help you to be empowered and learn how to heal yourself.

I am available by appointment, in person or via phone or Skype for Life and Health Coaching, Energy Healing and Dorn-Breuss Treatment.

Ellen Sadowski

Ellen Sadowski

PHONE: 518-477-9040



PO Box 167

East GreenbushNY, 12061
United States

EVENTS & CLASSES BY Ellen Sadowski:

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Ellen Sadowski

Wan Lai Richards

Wan Lai Richards





EVENTS & CLASSES BY Wan Lai Richards:

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Wan Lai Richards

When you learn what this world is, how it works, you automatically start getting miracles…what others will call miracles. ~ Richard Bach

Life is a miracle; to breathe is sacred for you are alive. Live in awareness of this wonder that is YOU. To know the unknown against the known, explore you.

Infinity begins from nowhere, yet it is from knowing oneself that infinite wisdom can be understood. Melt the corridors of the mind and feel the presence of who you truly are.

If you would like to arrange a session, please contact me via email.

Robert Marty

Robert Marty

PHONE: 0033 683 477 064



11, route de Saint Sulpice



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Robert Marty

Consultations sur rendez-vous à mon cabinet à Marquefave, 45 km au Sud de Toulouse.

Pour les animaux, me consulter.

The Wonder Method est une technique douce, respectueuse et efficace pour traiter en profondeur tous types de pathologies.

Praticien et Instructeur Quantum Touch, je pratique The Wonder Method au quotidien, seule ou combinée avec le QT, en fonction des besoins des corps et de l’énergie qui donne les informations dont nous avons besoin pour guérir.

Wonder = émerveillement, étonnement, prodige, questionnement… et en effet, cette méthode qui paraît parfois magique produit de profonds changements pour aider le corps à se réparer de manière naturelle.

Pour en savoir plus ou pour tout rendez-vous, contactez-moi au 003 683 477 064 (06 83 47 70 64) ou par mail à

Vous pouvez aussi consulter mon site à

A bientôt!

Mary January

Mary January

PHONE: 401-683-7733



218 Rhode Island Blvd.

United States


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Mary January

Jian Ming Chua (Jimmy)

Jian (Jimmy) Ming Chua





EVENTS & CLASSES BY Jian (Jimmy) Ming Chua:

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Jian (Jimmy) Ming Chua

I would love to offer Wonder Method Coaching to any individuals, preferably in person in any part of the world. If you are in Asia, I am just a short flight away from you. Have a Wonderful Magical Time experiencing the new possibilities this may truly bring you in life!

Deborah Gair

Deborah Gair
Coach, Instructor, Practitioner






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Deborah Gair

I’m from Scotland and am an intuitive, an energy psychologist and a spiritual guide who has been practicing Quantum-Touch for 22 years now, having helped to introduce it to the UK and Europe in 2002, and to India. I added The Wonder Method since its inception and have been applying and extensively exploring this highly sophisticated, elegant and yet completely simple process to everything and everyone who’s approached me since then and what I can confidently say is that the results are absolutely astonishing. In that regard, I am now a certified Practitioner, Coach and Instructor of The Wonder Method, as well as of Quantum.

As a natural healer with the ability to clearly perceive the subtle Life Force Energies, I completed my Quantum-Touch Advanced-Level training and subsequent apprenticeship with both Richard Gordon and Alain Herriott in the USA and Hawaii (Kauai). I then went on to teach Advanced-Level Quantum-Touch classes worldwide for many years (the original Supercharging and Core Transformation), with Quantum-Touch.

As well as a Quantum-Touch Practitioner and Instructor (Levels I; II; Self Created Health; Art of Youthing; Supercharging; Intuitive Development (Seeing & Perceiving Energy; & Immersions In Infinity)), and being Quantum-Touch Inc.’s Director of Awakening / Intuitive Development; I’m a qualified Scientist; Nutritionist; a Practicing and Teaching Reiki Master; and an Advanced-Level Practitioner of a whole host of Meridian Energy Therapies, including E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique.)

Having trained with the legendary Doctors Paul McKenna and Richard Bandler, I also hold qualifications as a Master Practitioner of N.L.P. (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Hypnotherapy.

A trained Counsellor, specializing in Grief and Bereavement, in Abuse and severe Trauma alleviation, with a wealth of experience working in Hospice Care, I hold a Pearl in ‘Specialised Dementia Service’ and have expertise in all aspects of mature citizen care, including Alzheimers and Parkinsons. This was inspired and borne through my Being privately Sat and Mentored within a lineage of the United Kingdom’s finest and most highly respected Spiritualist Mediums, Sensitives and Guides in the unfoldment of Awareness… Consistently and for many decades.

With a life-long curiosity, I have investigated, in-depth, the pioneering works of those at the forefront of Consciousness research, in furthering the experience, exploration and advancement of Consciousness, expanded Awareness and discovery of Self, including attendance at Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research & Enlightenment, The Robert Monroe Institute and the IONS Institute Of Noetic Sciences. 

Through specialisms in Release Technique; Silva Ultra Mind; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (The Work); and a vast multiplicity of approaches to Accessing Consciousness through Meditation and the Wisdom Teachings of the Ages, I have been very fortunate to have, my whole life thus far, been within the cusp of the tutelage of a wealth of great Masters, upholders of many traditions throughout my travels of the world.  I lead rare, exclusive and remote Retreats to this effect. You can also find me (“Deeya Siddhi”) assisting those who seek to realize their Self nature, and as Founder and Teacher of Vedic Soma Healing™ and Life Force Energy Mastery™ at

My areas of highest refinement in ‘resonance work’ include RV & EI (remote viewing, energetical intelligence and communication);  and I have a very specific interest in, and growing experience of, assisting children (& adults) with mental and behavioural capacities considered as “different” and also in working with horses as a Whisperer since I have the capacity and great love to commune with pets and horses to facilitate theirs and their carer’s well-being (through The Monty Roberts’ & Join-Up approach) and this is where The Wonder really comes in, most especially with my daily practice of Essence Qi Gong… dancing with the nurturing poem of the atoms, in nature.

The Wonder Method truly is a highly sophisticated, elegant and yet completely simple process that anyone can learn, apply and achieve rapid results with. That stated, I look forward to helping guide your transition toward the key to Freedom that I have been fortunate to discover …

I’m happy to travel to share The Wonder Method with you.

Here’s what others have to say  :

“… I cannot thank Deborah enough for the true and genuine compassion she demonstrated during our sessions. I can only say that life definitely has taken on a whole new meaning and purpose since we met. I feel transformed on every level. I highly recommend her to others in need of comfort, healing and guidance.” Cynthia, London

“When I saw Deborah for the first time, I was a self-confessed physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, shipwreck! The specialist techniques she used to alleviate my state were not only highly effective and incredibly fast but were delivered in a manner and atmosphere of absolute support and kindness. Hats off to her.” Mark, Edinburgh

“The next day …” (after a distant healing session) “… I woke up feeling more supple and the crack in my lower back which I heard every morning for the last 13 years was no more. The experience strengthened my interest in the technique and I am looking forward to learning more.” Peter, Reading

A percentage of the proceeds from all that I Offer through my facilitation of you goes toward making a difference to the various meaningful causes I am involved with.


Tyler Odysseus

Tyler Odysseus
Coach, Instructor, Practitioner

PHONE: 909-437-5288



1820 Park Newport

Newport BeachCA, 92660
United States

EVENTS & CLASSES BY Tyler Odysseus:

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Tyler Odysseus

Tyler Odysseus wrote the Wonder Method book with Alain Herriott from 2011-2014, publishing the book at that time.  He has been teaching The Wonder Method since it was founded 11 years ago and also continues to teach Quantum Touch Energy Healing for the last 12 years.  He is known for his ability to See & Perceive Energy and for leading weekly Energy Healing Calls attended by hundreds of people. 

He regularly teaches 4-Day Wonder Method Level 1 & 2 classes, and 5 and 6-Day Live Quantum Touch Retreats up and down California and in New York.  He is currently teaching his Wonder Method and Quantum Touch retreats through Zoom and pleased to announce the return of Live Retreats available now.

Tyler has since evolved the techniques even further including new, precise breathing techniques which get students into deep states of presence and wonder in short period of time.  Referred to as the back door to presence, when combined with the authentic feeling of The Wonder Method, boundaries of the self melt and we simply arrive at awakening.

A Note from Tyler:

To find out more about summer retreats, or to book private sessions with Tyler

Text 626-506-8216



Jody Herriott

Jody Herriott
Coach, Founder, Instructor, Practitioner

PHONE: 541-646-1955



P.O. Box 120

TalentOR, 97540
United States

EVENTS & CLASSES BY Jody Herriott:

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Jody Herriott

Sensitive to subtle energies from a young age, Jody has been involved in energy work and alternative healing for over 25 years. Her explorations have included meditation, yoga, Taiqi and Qigong, flower essences, aromatherapy, Opening Human Potential, and Quantum-Touch.

She is a graduate of the first Qigong teacher-training class at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine and taught Qigong workshops with her husband, Alain, for several years before deciding to study acupuncture.

She has a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College and is a Licensed Acupuncturist practicing in Ashland, Oregon.

Jody is also involved with horses. She enjoys applying her awareness and knowledge acquired through all these studies to both her horse’s health and her skills as a rider.

Jody taught the Core Transformation I and II Advanced Quantum-Touch classes which she developed with her husband Alain. She also co-authored the book Quantum-Touch Core Transformation: A New Way to Heal and Alter Reality with Alain.

Sabrina Largen

Sabrina Largen

PHONE: 913-645-6559



9804 Belleview

Kansas CityMO, 64114
United States

EVENTS & CLASSES BY Sabrina Largen:

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Sabrina Largen

Releasing blocks, pain and limitations in my life and yours is an awesome experience.  Ultimately it provides relief from the confusion and pain.  It is a step into enjoying yourself, your body and your life.  We will feel the amazing expansive vibrant powerful beauty of appreciating oneself and the life we create.  My ability to sense and feel the stuff in your body and life enables me to help you change what is going on for you at this time.

I have been teaching, studying and practicing for over 20 years, so if you have an interest in learning to do the healing energy work yourself that is an option.  I love it and find it exciting.