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Tag: grounded

The Wonder Method

We are often asked just what is The Wonder Method?  Probably first and foremost it is a subtle, simple, yet counter intuitive way to become incredibly present.  Other names for this might be “awake”, “grounded”, or “balanced” within ourselves.  Beyond this it is a model that can be used to offer healing to others and to unwind limiting beliefs and experiences until calm and balance are experienced within us.  If we take it further it is also a way to step beyond the common view of reality or Maya and begin to live in satisfaction and joy.  This all starts with feeling at the sensation level and everything evolves from there.  We encourage you to feel; it is wonderfully satisfying. ~ Alain & Jody Herriott 

awakening, balance, definition, freedom, grounded, harmony, Maya, the Wonder Method

Presence through feeling

Presence.  We hear so much about it and what it supposedly means.  There is also the idea of being “grounded” and how that goes hand in hand with presence.

Presence for us is a feeling that we experience.  It is a sense of being aware that we are settled into our bodies and really integrated with it.  This in turn gives us a sense of being grounded and connected not only to ourselves but to what is around us as well.  A deep abiding satisfaction and inner wholeness.  Feeling our feelings takes us there; it is a surprisingly short journey when we stop striving and start letting our concerns unfold themselves.  ~Alain and Jody Herriott

feeling, grounded, open, Presence