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Tag: balance

Day to day lives

In our day to day lives we are often caught in the drama of the season– who to visit, what presents to get or even who should we avoid. All these thoughts point out how the mind gets over zealous about these dramas. Take some time, feel the sensations and allow them to unfold and return you to a place of balance and harmony; really this is a whole new way to approach life. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, Days, feeling, Presence

What is Maya

What is Maya? It is considered to be the world as illusion, or the fact that everything is always changing. Another definition is illusion of the senses, meaning our senses tell us one thing but things may actually be very different around us because our senses can easily be fooled. To help bring our senses into greater alignment with our world we have the option to feel our inner sensations. Through the act of feeling, mind and body become integrated and we begin to realize our full potential. The more we do this action of feeling, the more deeply we become present.                     ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, feeling, illusion, Maya, reality, senses

Talking about Feeling

We are always talking about feeling. Of course everyone feels. Some people assign more value to their feelings while others push them away. We all realize that we are feeling beings and when the feelings are pushed away often conflict arises within us. Take the time to experience the sensations within your feelings. Allow them to arise within you and travel through your body. In this way the mind begins to get the feedback that the body naturally produces to complete itself, this is the beginning of truly Being. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, being, Body, feeling, mind, thought

The problem is the solution

We often see things as obstacles and then try and change the obstacle rather than opening to the solution. When you find an issue, something that pushes or bothers you, does your mind argue? If so you are in the obstacle orientation of the issue. Instead soften and feel the opening potential of the solution, and allow things to unfold into rightness.

In a sense the problem is the solution and the sensation within both is the unfolding of the answer and the balance within it. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

answer, balance, feel, Problem, solution

Most of us fear change

Most of us fear change, yet without change we never evolve. Our inner feelings, or more specifically, the sensations within us are often feared too. This fear is what keeps us from being willing to change. When we allow our sensations to be felt and to evolve, we find greater and greater balance. The more we apply this approach to our lives the more we become happy and whole. ~Alain & Jody Herriott.



balance, change, evolve, fear, harmony

Each moment is unique

Each moment is unique and linked through sensation. Many think of these sensations as fraught with discord and concern. What if instead, they are the arrows pointing us toward the walls of resistance in our minds and because they are felt, they are also the entry point to change. Through feeling and allowing the sensations to change we unwind and arrive at harmony and balance.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, harmony, Moment, sensation, unique

Constant change

We are in a state of constant change. Our inherent nature is to both run towards and yet resist change. While change is always with us, we can be in a space of balance, wholeness and peace. This peace is not stagnant, it is a dynamic integration where Being is experienced. All it takes is the willingness to feel the subtle nuances within us, allow them to unfold and the rest is simply there. Being only needs the willingness to feel.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, being, change, peace, stagnant

Sensation and experience

Sensation, what is it? It is that subtle experience inside us that leads many thoughts and associations within us. Often, sensations are repressed because they lead to emotions that are uncomfortable. However, if they are allowed to surface and pass through without comment from the mind they are balancing and nurturing. Allow your sensations to surface and be experienced and presence simply is there.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, experience, Presence, sensation

The Quiet Mind

When our mind is quiet, we are in harmony in our world; nothing is pushing us.  When our mind is quiet there is no conflict to push us out of balance, things arise and we deal with them, things end and we are equally at peace.  Feeling the sensations that are inside us, allowing ourselves to gently feel them allows them to change, unwind and find a new balance.  This unwinding again leads to the quiet mind.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, harmony, Presence, quiet mind

Simplicity, balance, compassion

I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being.  From the Tao te Ching # 67

When we choose to be balanced in ourselves these three things are simply present.  We act, we see the ease and rightness of our action and everything unfolds in perfection. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, compassion, Simplicity