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The Wonder Method Level 1 (Pacific Time) #11


01/08/2025 –

TIME (Pacific Standard Time):

11:00 am –
1:00 pm

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Chaya Silberstein
Zoom – link to be announced (I’m based in California, USA, but feel free to join from anywhere in the world.)
We meet for six consecutive Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (PST). Class dates are: Jan 8, 15, 22, 29 and Feb 5, 12.
Chaya Silberstein
$500 USD
Pricing Details:
To register, email or text/call: 917-597-3945. If you’re repeating this class, email me for information about a discount.

Every moment is an opportunity to experience the expansiveness that life provides. We use whatever resistance appears to be in the way to gain greater freedom and peace. So, without further ado, I now invite you to come along on this journey to experience the wonder that awaits you.

In This 6 Week Workshop, We Will…
  • Explore wonder and see what “becoming as a child” can do.
  • Experience your stressful emotions and dispel them.
  • Experience stillness within yourself without boundaries.
  • Find a whole new way to live and be.
  • Redefine how you approach any situation in your life: health, relationships, weight loss, earning money and much more.
  • Use The Wonder Method for self-healing and healing others.
  • Practice suspending judgment and beliefs in order to grow beyond your wildest dreams.
  • Change the mundane to the wondrous.
The Wonder Method shifts you on the foundational level: physical, emotional and spiritual. It’s like pushing a reset button for your life. You can then use these tools to affect the most basic aspects of your health and relationship with your entire inner and outer world. This is truly astounding work and is the culmination of many years of research and experimentation.
This method teaches you how to begin the journey of awareness and freedom, allowing you to rediscover your unlimited self. You will unlock yourself from the status quo using a combination of breathing, gentle movement and feeling; allowing each day to be an expression of joy and freedom. Here, the only limits on your life are those that you impose on yourself. The Wonder Method is your avenue to a joy beyond compare.
After each class you will receive an audio recording. Email support is available between classes.
Prerequisites: None required
To Register for this class, email Chaya at: or text/call: 917-597-3945.
I hope you can join! It’ll be fun, exploratory, and take you further down the road of joy, peace and presence.
What People Are Saying:
“Chaya is a gifted and kind teacher of The Wonder Method. The amount of healing through processing that I have received going through the classes is amazing. Chaya keeps the learning fun and exploratory. She is able to quickly shift the flow of the class to meet her students needs and to be exactly where we are in that moment. Her other interests and passions combine beautifully with The Wonder Method to create an expansive learning experience.”  – Erin Keller
“Last night, after class, I decided to practice ‘Breathe with Wonder’ with a friend. I realized I had resistance to practicing it more. The resistance was perfectionism! I felt like I still needed more guidance and practice! But, I trusted myself and the results were outstanding! I did a session with my friend for 40 mins straight and it was soooo powerful!!! She released sooo much that she was crying the whole time! She had back and abdominal pain that dissolved in 2-3 mins literally and was connected to her heart center! This was my first time working with physical pain and it was a piece of cake! I’m so grateful for this work and have so much gratitude! I can’t wait to offer this service to the world!” – Joshua Tree
“The content was great. I was able to learn the techniques easily. Chaya was a great facilitator. I enjoyed her feedback and her ability to provide it as I was engaged in practice sessions. And I enjoyed the pace of a smaller class.” – J Anderson
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