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Tag: Life

Living in resistance

Most of us are living a life of resistance. We resist certain thoughts, people and memories. In The Wonder Method, these resistances become opportunities. Once we are aware we are resisting something we have the option to feel that sensation as oppposed to pushing it away. The act of feeling the sensations also makes it possible for those sensations to change and evolve, reducing our reaction to the original trigger. As TWM is applied the resistance gradually drops away (often a matter of minutes) and balance is the result. This approach is always available, it is simply a choice to feel or resist.  Enjoy ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, feeling, Happiness, harmony, Life, resistance

In the Tao te Ching

In the 2nd Tao te Ching it says “When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.  When people see some things as good, other things become bad.” It goes on to say “Being and non being create each other.  Difficult and easy support each other….” Our judgement of circumstances cause internal conflict. If we view right and wrong as being absolute we get caught in the mind trap that there are no alternatives to the way we are living.  Yet if we choose to experience the gentle sensations inside of us, these seeming judgements begin to drop away and we again return to harmony and a life in balance.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

bad, balance, good, judgement, Life, Tao, tao te Ching

Life is filled

Life is filled with motion.  We have the option to experience our inner terrain as a mosaic of stop and go, or continual motion.  All it takes is the willingness to focus a gentle attention within and experience it, a gentle flow of continual renewal. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

filled, Life, motion, renewal

As we go through life

As we go through life we get all kinds of opportunities. Though it is counter intuitivie, tension is an opportunity to integrate body wisdom through feeling. Feel the body sensation that shows up and let it be experienced. And perhaps most important, let it change or evolve however it happens to do so. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

evolve, Life, opportunity, sensation, wisdom

Life is defined by stress

So much of our life is defined by stress, what we want and what we don’t want. The more stress, the more resistance we experience about everything we do.  As we unfold, through unwinding our resistance, we begin to realize that the less we resist, the more we open. In time we are living the maxim, “when nothing is done, nothing is left undone.”  Now we are balance, a never ending now of being. Enjoy the journey. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, defined, feeling, Life, resistance, stress

The boundaries of counsciousness

We were thinking about the boundaries of consciousness the other day.  We realized that while we find ourselves within boundaries in our life and while they may seem to define us they are not truly boundaries. In reality they are only our beliefs.  Within these boundaries we label ourselves.  For example “I am an engineer”, or a mom or dad or gardener or scientist or animal trainer…  These experiences and the expectations that are associated with them are the boundaries that we surround ourselves with.  Of course they are not the whole of who we are, but so many of our world experiences appear linked to them that we tend to stay inside that environment.  As we feel our feelings in relation to each experience that restricts us, these boundaries unravel and we find ourselves in somewhat uncharted territory.  This new freedom is a sublime opportunity to move “beyond the beyond”, to change how we approach everything.  Taking this chance is an act of courage, faith and surrender.  It is not something that is actually hard to do, it is only outside the boundaries that we have called normal.  This action is often called a “path to change.”  We welcome you to the Path, it is worth every step taken along this new and constantly unfolding journey back to who we truly are.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

boundaries, consciousness, expectations, experience, feeling, Life, unfolding

When life upsets us, the mind wants to solve

When life upsets us, the mind wants to “solve” what it considers a problem.  In the process we are taken on a mental trip of upset, drama and unsolvable conundrums. The feelings that are below the surface of the mind’s drama are actually a better tool to unlock the door of the problem and bring us balance.  Again, these feelings are not a problem to solve, they are an experience that should be allowed to unfold within us. As we feel our feelings and they unfold we find ourselves becoming balanced; we become completed in such a pleasant and vast way it defies description.  Enjoy the journey.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott 

balance, experience, feeling, Life, mind, upset, vastness

Each morning as we rise we look out

Each morning as we rise we look out over the fields and are amazed.  So very amazed at another strikingly beautiful day.

Are you willing to live a life of amazement, wonder and beauty?  Are you open to feeling and reconnecting to the integration of body and mind?  It is not hard, but it does take perseverance to retrain how you relate to your world.  Feel, open and become, and the rest simply follows.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

amazement, beautiful day, Life, morning, Rise

Life is a choice. Good statement,

Life is a choice. Good statement, we have heard it so very many times.  How many of us actually live life in this way?  As we travel the path of experiencing our feelings we come to realize that we have choices.  One choice may be to enjoy each aspect of life, each little nuance.  Some will say that is too much, I can’t do that.  Of course this a choice.  We make them every day.  In doing so we may lead ourselves down the path of unfolding life, much like a flower, or we may starve ourselves by not letting ourselves feel.  We encourage you to feel.  The mind is already over-trained; trust it to simply work.  Trust your feelings as well, as they are your missing link to being.  All you have to do is choose to do so.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

choice, feeling, good, Life, mind

Into each life a little rain must fall

Into each life a little rain must fall. This kind of statement keeps us in a world made up of drama. It causes us to always fear that we will not be fully successful no matter what we do. This is why, in The Wonder Method™, we process, to deconstruct this sort of limiting view through feeling. And we Wonder (an evolving state of possibility) our way into an always flexible set of possibilities that can and will carry us into an amazing moment, the present—the most powerful place there is. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

fear, feeling, freedom, Life, present