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Category: Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week Archive

Living in resistance

Most of us are living a life of resistance. We resist certain thoughts, people and memories. In The Wonder Method, these resistances become opportunities. Once we are aware we are resisting something we have the option to feel that sensation as oppposed to pushing it away. The act of feeling the sensations also makes it possible for those sensations to change and evolve, reducing our reaction to the original trigger. As TWM is applied the resistance gradually drops away (often a matter of minutes) and balance is the result. This approach is always available, it is simply a choice to feel or resist.  Enjoy ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, feeling, Happiness, harmony, Life, resistance

Being and non Being

We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.

We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner space that makes it livable.

We work with being, but non-being is what we use.

In our life we are always looking at what is around us and believe what we see there is what is useful.  Yet as the quote tells us how we choose to use something can be viewed from a very different perspective.  We can choose to draw from innovation, from a place of inspiration that moves well beyond the norm and many will say amazing, yet we know that living in that quiet space of non-being all possibilities exist.  Enjoy ~Alain & Jody Herriott

being, choice, innovation, non being


Can you coax your mind from its wandering and keep the original oneness?…..  (Tao te Ching #10). There are so many views on oneness and what it means to be present.  This particular stanza for us means: will you allow yourself to simply experience you and let the mind relax? Reduce the mind’s focus, let the harmonious side of you come to the forefront and simply BE.  Feeling is what takes you there and will always support you. ~Alain & Jody Herriott.

mind, Oneness, thought

In the Tao te Ching

In the 2nd Tao te Ching it says “When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.  When people see some things as good, other things become bad.” It goes on to say “Being and non being create each other.  Difficult and easy support each other….” Our judgement of circumstances cause internal conflict. If we view right and wrong as being absolute we get caught in the mind trap that there are no alternatives to the way we are living.  Yet if we choose to experience the gentle sensations inside of us, these seeming judgements begin to drop away and we again return to harmony and a life in balance.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

bad, balance, good, judgement, Life, Tao, tao te Ching

Awakening. What does it mean

Awakening.  What does it mean? For us, within the experience of The Wonder Method exercises, it allows us to have a quiet mind, peacefulness and a sense of balance and wholeness.  Hand in hand with this is allowing ourselves to feel the sensations within knowing they lead us to an ever deeper experience of balance and happiness.  We encourage you to feel what is inside you and let it carry you to ever greater fulfillment. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

awakening, balance, Happiness, meaning, quiet mind

The Nature of Being and the Tao te Ching

The Tao te Ching in Stephen Mitchells translation says in #2

When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.  When people see some things as good, other things become bad.

Being and non-being create each other.  

Difficult and easy support each other.  Long and short define each other.

High and low depend on each other.  Before and after follow each other…….

Comparisons, in our lives we tend to compare most everything.  It is how we relate to different experiences and it is what underlies our need to Judge.  While these comparisons have their place, the need to be right or wrong, to justify an action, leads us deeper into drama vs balance.  The art of sensating is what allows us to move beyond the need to be right or wrong, to bypass the mind and enter being.  We invite you to feel the sensations that arise within you, especially when feeling conflict, and to let them change, evolve and in so doing allowing yourself to BE.

~Alain & Jody Herriott

The Tao that can be told

The Tao te Ching in the first section says “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao”.  It goes on and on about the desire to know and the willingness to enter the mystery explaining that both arise for the same source… the unknown.  If we think of feeling as the connection that opens us to the mysterious and over active mind that keeps us caught in the drama of life, we begin notice a pattern. Sensation allows us to experience an open ended life, one filled with the mysterious.  The over active mind keeps us caught in the continual mind story, the drama that never ends.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

feeling, mind, Tao, told, unknown

We approach each day

As we approach each day we are usually thinking about what needs to be done and how to go about it, who to contact and the rest of what we call accomplishing the day.  What if instead we gently orient from the inside, feeling our sensations, and choose to use this art of presence to accompany us throughout the day.  We would still get all the same things done and likely more.  The internal dialogue will be greatly reduced or simply gone.  The need to achieve will instead become more of a dance of “being” from moment to moment in simple exchanges of balance and wholeness.  We invite you to dance with us in the ever evolving game of being.   ~~Alain & Jody Herriott

Approach, dance, feel, internal dialogue

As the year winds

As the year winds to its end,  many of us look to the future for things to get better or old painful memories to be forgotten.  Yet there is always something within us that still carries the old fears .  That is why it is valuable to feel our sensations and allow them to unfold.  Be willing to feel; it is safe and it leads us back to balance and wholeness.  Happy New Year everyone.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

fears, sensations, winds, Year