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Category: Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week Archive

Constant change

We are in a state of constant change. Our inherent nature is to both run towards and yet resist change. While change is always with us, we can be in a space of balance, wholeness and peace. This peace is not stagnant, it is a dynamic integration where Being is experienced. All it takes is the willingness to feel the subtle nuances within us, allow them to unfold and the rest is simply there. Being only needs the willingness to feel.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, being, change, peace, stagnant

Breathing sensations

Notice your breathing sensations. You may find that every breath is anticipated and expected to supply the same outcome as the previous one. What if how you pay attention to the sensations allows you to experience them from a totally different perspective? Simple variations in attention offer us immense changes. Take a moment to breathe and sensate and let each experience present itself. Now being present can occur. Enjoy. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

Breathing, Presence

Search for who we are

The search for who we are and what we should do is often on our minds. As we feel the sensations within us, these internal conflicts begin to drop away and bit by bit we discover we are able to make good choices, learn from our experiences and finally realize we are enough, sufficient to the day and our life.

Enjoy the journey. ~Alain & Jody Herriott


are, being, discovery, Presence, Search, who

Feel, evolve, become

If you allow yourself to feel and act as if whatever you are feeling could pass through you like a gentle breeze, the sensation will evolve, change and become more balanced.  This opportunity arises with each experience that comes your way, from the exquisite to the mundane.  Play and enjoy the opportunity. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

become, evolve, feel

Sensation and experience

Sensation, what is it? It is that subtle experience inside us that leads many thoughts and associations within us. Often, sensations are repressed because they lead to emotions that are uncomfortable. However, if they are allowed to surface and pass through without comment from the mind they are balancing and nurturing. Allow your sensations to surface and be experienced and presence simply is there.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, experience, Presence, sensation

Dancing and Awakening

….and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.  Nietzsche

When awakening many things will fall away and some will be added.  Those that are added do not require a memory, analysis or to be taken care of.  They will exist because you are no longer resisting their presence.  For you are no longer dancing to the illusion, only your song.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

awakening, Dancing, falling away, illusion

The Quiet Mind

When our mind is quiet, we are in harmony in our world; nothing is pushing us.  When our mind is quiet there is no conflict to push us out of balance, things arise and we deal with them, things end and we are equally at peace.  Feeling the sensations that are inside us, allowing ourselves to gently feel them allows them to change, unwind and find a new balance.  This unwinding again leads to the quiet mind.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, harmony, Presence, quiet mind

Simplicity, balance, compassion

I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being.  From the Tao te Ching # 67

When we choose to be balanced in ourselves these three things are simply present.  We act, we see the ease and rightness of our action and everything unfolds in perfection. ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, compassion, Simplicity

Teachings are easy

Number 70 of the Tao te Ching says:
My teachings are easy to understand and easy to put into practice. Yet your intellect will never grasp them, and if you try to practice them, you’ll fail
Most of us have been taught that striving to achieve anything is the best approach to success.  However the striving often creates conflict and a sense of never really being good enough.  We are actually inherently good enough and while we of course do things, the internal doubts and conflicts within striving actually get in our way.  Allow yourself to feel as you work, if doubt finds you, let it unfold and you will find that you have achieved your goal seemingly effortlessly.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

easy, grasp, intellect, Teaching

The gentlest thing

Number 43 of the Tao te Ching says:  The gentlest thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the world.  That which has no substance enters where there is no space. This shows the value of non-action. When we as individuals choose a softer path, often referred to as a Yin or more feminine approach to situations, conflict and life in general.  We listen, and we act from a place of balance.  Feeling, the gentle sensations within us naturally produces this kind of experience.  Choose to feel it is safe and leads to harmony in one’s life.  ~Alain & Jody Herriott

balance, gentle, gentlist, hardest, overcome, Presence, sensations, Yin